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How to Turn Your Kids Into Great Travelers: The Log Book

May 23, 2012 by admin


How do we reinforce the idea that life is an adventure?  We keep an Adventure Log!

On the way home from our jaunts, the parent in the passenger seat pulls out the now beat-up journal tucked in the door and makes notes about the day’s adventure: where we went, who attended, and most importantly the Highlights.

Highlights allow everyone to offer up their favorite moments from the trip.  There is no limit to how many highlights you can list.  There are no rules about it at all.  Everyone’s highlights get jotted down, whether that’s a sight from the road, what we had for lunch, or a funny moment.  It all gets recorded in the log.  Parents can help remind younger kids about what we saw and what they appeared to like.

The log enforces the value we get from our trips.  And it allows everyone to find their own special memories from each trip.  We all take something different away from each adventure, but the Family Log binds all the memories into a Family Memory.

On long trips, we can read about our adventures from times past and remind ourselves of all the fun we’ve had.


  1. Such a good idea! We did it before kids, and have with kids, but we’ve gotten a little lazy. Keeping the journal in the car might make it less tempting to put off. I also like to collect receipts, brochures, or tickets from adventures and laminate them later to use as bookmarks for visible memories.

  2. […] Stuff for Kids: Toys, games, books, flash cards, crayons, paper, our family trip log. […]

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