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a February 22nd, 2013

  1. Moving Away From Soy

    February 22, 2013 by admin

    Soy is the center of hot debate in many circles.  You hear it critiqued for everything from its effect on the environment  to its effect on your health.  And then you have the folks that simply can’t stand how it tastes.

    In our ongoing move towards better health, we have decided to dramatically decrease the use of soy in our recipes.  We will significantly cut back on consuming edamame and IMG_1574tofu.  But when we do add it to our meals, we will search out the certified organic products.

    We have discovered that there are soy-free alternatives to the typical fake meat offerings.  Right here in Madison, at the Willy Street Co-op, you can find the Sunshine brand . And, of course, you can make your own veggie burgers with everything from chickpeas  to sweet potatoes.

    This particular move is one that we take with a bit more trepidation than other dietary changes we’ve implemented.  Tofu, edamame, and fake meat products have been players in our recipes for as long as we’ve been vegetarians.  It certainly requires a conscious change in lifestyle to make this switch successful- like when we decided to forgo canned foods and most plastics.  But as with every change we make in our TR household, slow and steady usually wins the race.

    This move away from soy will require us to find and create new recipes for our family meals.  When we find the ones that work, we’ll share them with you!

    What are your thoughts on soy?