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a April 28th, 2013

  1. Dodsworth, Hodges and the Duck

    April 28, 2013 by admin


    The crowd at Hodges’ Cafe, art by Tim Egan

    We fell in love with a world created by Tim Egan, when we found a copy of Friday Night At Hodges’ Café at a book sale. Since then, we’ve been picking up ‘Dodsworth’ books, as they are known collectively by our family, at the library.

    Dodsworth’s universe is a mellow one—it reminds us of Kipper in its lovely simplicity.  Dodsworth and his friends are quiet explorers of their world.  When Dodsworth takes off on an adventure, he and Hodges’ companion, Duck, see all the great sights of Paris, London, and other grand cities.


    Dodsworth in New York by Tim Egan

    Egan has created characters that children, and adults, can enjoy.  TR Mom and Dad love the wry wit of the series.  And our kids greatly enjoy experiencing the silly situations that the characters stumble into within each story.  These are great books to read before bed, or in those mellow early morning hours (of which we have many).

    Check out the Dodsworth animated shorts, and be on the watch for a chance to see the Hodges opera!