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a May 26th, 2013

  1. Silence is Golden

    May 26, 2013 by admin

    Our 4 year old, Bluey, is at a napping cross-roads.  His young body and mind still benefit greatly from a mid-day nap.  It is very apparent when he misses out on sleep.  Bluey without a nap is harder to keep focused, his emotions are quicker to fire, and he is more inclined to test family rules.  He has a janky day, as does everyone in his company.

    IMG_1677Bluey is old enough to comprehend that he is missing out on “stuff” when he naps.  Even though it is just a short period of time, Bluey feels justified in protesting this temporary isolation.  And he is such a bundle of enthusiasm that it is hard for TR Mom and Dad to defend pulling Bluey away from what he is enjoying when nap rolls around.

    We have an early bedtime that wouldn’t sync well with moving a nap to mid or late afternoon.  And since Bluey typically naps in late morning, a lot of our activities are already scheduled for the afternoon.

    So we’re experimenting with “quiet” time on the days that Bluey bristles at the idea of an actual nap.  For 30 or 45 minutes, Bluey has to be in his room.  He can read or he can lay on his comfy bed with his stuffies, thinking about the day.  This allows Bluey a necessary break from activity and hopefully, a rest.  And it is a welcome moment for TR Mom and Dad to catch up on chores, or to also have a moment of peace in an otherwise fast-paced day.