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a June 13th, 2013

  1. School Blues

    June 13, 2013 by admin

    50175_place_value_mdThe TR family strives to pursue the adage, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”  We have spent the last 3 years stocking up on this drink thanks to an elementary school with an extraordinary lack of focus.

    For Plum’s entire 3 years within her current school, she has had a grand total of maybe 3 combined weeks of homework.  Plum has never been assigned a project or a research report.  Instead, her love of reading has been discouraged.  Her teachers label her desire to learn as an “obstinate personality.”  And we have been subjected to numerous ineffective, frustrating, lip-service conferences.

    In order to counter the inadequacies of Plum’s school, TR Dad has created a weekly homework program that he compiles, administrates, and corrects.  Each Sunday, Plum receives her weekly assignments which consist of the following:  essays, spelling, geography, art, and math.  Every Thursday, Plum has a spelling test which includes knowing the definition of the words.  We will expand into the summer with a reading program, and one or 2 large projects.  Plum will also continue her internship at a local veterinary clinic.

    Obviously, there are many wonderful teachers, as well as public and private schools that are getting it right.  But if you find yourself frustrated by your child’s teacher, please remember that there are many resources available.  Check out your local library, explore educational websites, and research local volunteer organizations.  You may even be able to “opt in” to a different school or request a different teacher.

    Plum enters middle school this Fall.  We are hopeful that this new school will break the seemingly endless years of struggle to counteract Plum’s ineffective teachers.  But if not, we’ll continue to encourage our intelligent, kind, and strong daughter.  And we’ll make our lemonade.