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Focused on Felines

October 22, 2013 by admin

Lately, our Bluey is pretty obsessed with cats.  No, not the Andrew Lloyd Webber kind on Broadway. But cats all the same: super cats, robo-cats, Garfield.  You name it!  If it’s IMG_2632_2feline, Bluey wants to experience it.

Every toy, rock and stick he picks up becomes a cat.  Most of his Show&Tell appointments are about cats in one way or another.

But we’re not worried about this becoming a one-note band.  It’s a typical stage that kids pass through.  Bluey won’t be obsessed with cats forever.  He’ll move on to dinosaurs, or planes, or pine trees.  And eventually, he’ll figure out that he can have a plethora of stuff that interests him, all at the same time.

Until then, we let Bluey follow his bliss.  Why not?  His enthusiasm leads to learning moments.  We read about cats.  We discuss and research cats.  We perfect our “Meows.”

1 Comment

  1. […] no secret that Bluey loves animals- especially cats, so helping transport them was a perfect […]

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