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a March 2nd, 2014

  1. GAK

    March 2, 2014 by admin


    Looking for some indoor fun?  How about mixing up a batch of GAK?

    GAK has a cold texture that is very similar to silly putty.  The three simple ingredients can be found in most grocery stores:  liquid starch, white glue, IMG_5092and food coloring.  GAK takes moments to mix up and then the fun can begin!  Stretch it, braid it, or spell out your name.

    We recommend mixing up the GAK in a container that won’t be reused for food, like an empty sour cream tub.  And we’ve found that play works best on a smooth surface, like your kitchen table.  Clean up is a snap, as GAK doesn’t really stick to much. And you can store your batches in plastic bags to play with again and again.

    This is a great rainy day, sick day, or just looking for something new to do sort of activity.

    Thanks for the inspiration, Schachter family