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Coming Out On School Choice

January 15, 2013 by admin

Once Bluey turns 5 years old, we’ll need to get the ball rolling on formally announcing to the State that we are choosing to homeschool our son.  We felt that until that time arrived, our plans were only relevant to our TR Family.  Thus far, we have kept this choice very quiet.

IMG_1221Our Bluey will be homeschooled.  There are no significant developmental impetuses that bought about this decision.  Bluey is very much a typical young boy even though TR Mom and Dad feel that he is extraordinarily gifted.  Our girls are within the public school system and we have no intention of withdrawing them.

But for Bluey, homeschooling is the choice that seems to fit best.  He’s an adventurous learner!  Bluey enjoys discovering things with his family and going on explores to experience his world.  We are confident that he will get a great education.

Why have we remained so guarded over our decision to homeschool Bluey?

  • Our Plum is very sensitive.  She will often attempt to prove that she is treated differently than her brother and her older sister.  She is trigger-quick to point out any exception to a family rule for a sibling.  Plum is also quite content to stay in her pajamas all day long and chat with her friends.  We felt that if we were to provide homeschooling, it would actually be a detriment to Plum’s growth.  She needs the structure, routine, and socialization of a public school environment.
  • It seemed weird to us to declare our intent prior to Bluey even being eligible for public school.  A lot of great plans turn to seed.  We didn’t want to set expectations for anyone that we couldn’t then meet.
  • Talking about homeschooling a 2 or 3 year old struck us a rather snooty intellectual conversation that would be more about us than our child.  Yes, TR Mom and Dad had conversations and planning sessions.  But no one else needed to be in on it at that point.
  • A majority of our relatives and friends still view homeschooling as that “hippy choice that results in bizarre kids with no social skills,” or as “a choice by religious zealots that don’t believe in dinosaurs,” or finally as “a choice that will ultimately fail the child as no parent has a trained teacher’s skill set in all grade levels.”


Honestly, we would have continued to keep our homeschooling choice on the hush but for our experience at Bluey’s recent annual doctor visit.  Our pediatrician started asking all sorts of questions about pre-k and suggesting to Bluey that he would be going to school next year.  We realized it was time to be vocal and honest so that no one gets the impression that we are hiding our choice because we are ashamed about it or because there is something wrong with homeschooling.

Bluey needs to know the path that he will be on, and we need to be confident advocates and guides for that path.

We are beyond excited to begin this journey with our son.  In fact, in subtle ways, we’ve been on this path for as long as we’ve been parents.  We take every opportunity to enhance our children’s education in large and small ways.  And we will continue to do so with all of our kids (and future grandkids) for as long as they’ll tolerate us.

Tip:  Check out our ThriftyRambler Pinterest boards for lots of great homeschooling ideas.

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