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a January 31st, 2013

  1. Pro-this, Pro-that

    January 31, 2013 by admin


    The world’s a complicated place, and everyone has their own opinion about how it should work.  So how do we help our kiddoes to form their own independent world view?

    TR Mom and Dad attempt to teach our children to:

    • think critically
    • question authority
    • judge NO ONE based on their appearance or beliefs
    • form your own opinions based on your own experiences
    • explore
    • argue your conviction with as much respect and calmness as you can muster
    • allow yourself to be wrong and to admit when it happens
    • follow your bliss


    We think that many families can relate to these basic tenets.  We see plenty of examples in our day-to-day of one or more of the above being enacted.  But we are consistently surprised by judgment rearing up within the interactions we witness.

    We understand that not everyone will agree with the way we live our life.  Usually, we welcome debate on our opinions and beliefs as we find that it either solidifies our convictions, or forces us to question our stance.  Either way, we grow and learn from the experience.

    What we can’t tolerate is when an antagonist attempts to cast us as an evil doer, as naïve and misinformed, as a sinner, and/or as a victim.  Argue your point all you want.  Believe in whatever works best for your family.  But don’t degrade anyone, either overtly or covertly, that doesn’t follow your own personal tenets.

    It is extremely hypocritical to suggest that you have an open heart and mind if you then present your opinions while cutting your opposition down, or pigeonholing them with a label.  You can be proud of what you believe, of who you are, and of what you stand for, without belittling others.

    Our goal is for our children to become proud adults, who can calmly and kindly defend their own choices, and can allow themselves to learn from others.