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a May 10th, 2013

  1. Kindness Project #2

    May 10, 2013 by admin

    Our latest activity for the ThriftyRambler Kindness Project

    We are happy to report that Kindness is taking off in our home.  Our kiddoes are actively thinking about new ways to spread kindness in the neighborhood.  We find it truly contagious to be kind.  Our family is increasingly aware of all the little opportunities to help people out.  Whether it is carrying a bag for someone, or holding the door, the more you default to helping people, the more you see the many opportunities in your day-to-day.IMG_0144

    For our second experience participating in the Kindness Project, we wanted to focus on other members of our community– dogs.  We love animals and we are fortunate to live in a neighborhood filled with critters.  We wanted to thank our little four-legged neighbors for being so cute, and so helpful, and so doggish.

    IMG_0142We purchased an economy-sized box of medium dog biscuits.  We loaded them into our handy paper sacks, tagged them with our TR Kindness cards, and set out to distribute them to the neighbors.

    We enjoyed this chance to let our neighbors know that they live in a community that appreciates them and their pets.  We wanted to wish them a great day, in our own way.

    So once again, we encourage you to find an opportunity to spread kindness and happiness in your part of the world.