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Bug Out!

December 5, 2012 by admin

This giant spider was released from our home. Its current whereabouts are unknown.

The TR family does not like bugs.  We are most offended by insects that fly or have way too many legs for their bodies.  So what do we do when a bug invades our space?  We certainly don’t encourage the killing of living creatures, be they small or large, unless they come at you first to cause harm- like mosquitoes.  We loathe mosquitoes.

If it is TR Mom, Bluey, or Plum that is startled by a bug in our home, they call out for help from anyone in the vicinity.  If it is TR Dad, he reluctantly takes care of the pest removal or the kill.  We do our best to relocate spiders to the outdoors.  In theory, we don’t mind spiders.  We just don’t want one chillin’ on our ceiling, watching us sleep.  But if we find a house centipede, or a mosquito, we can’t guarantee those bugs will live to see another day.

We try to stay out of the way of insects when enjoying the outdoors.  We consider the outside to be a bug’s territory and we’re happy to move back inside if we can’t find a way to co-exist.  We don’t choose to smear chemicals on our bodies, or throughout our backyard space, to dissuade bugs from coming near us.  And we recognize that bugs have great work to do to keep our environment in check and flourishing.  We don’t want to interfere with this critical chain if we can help it.

The only bugs that don’t give us the wiggins are ladybugs, butterflies and those chubby, lazy, humming honey bees.  But that stated, if we stumble upon a cluster of insects, we definitely find them intimidating.  Any en masse gathering of bugs (or animals) is rather disconcerting, don’t you think?  The list of acceptable bugs is small for us and always comes with a caveat in our family.

How does your family react to bugs?

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