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a March 20th, 2013

  1. We *heart* Hy-Vee

    March 20, 2013 by admin


    Hy-Vee#1 in Madison is a remarkable example of a company that understands the necessity of customer service, and the importance of connecting with their community, in order to have continued success.  We have been loyal patrons since our arrival in Madison.

    Hy-Vee#1 is a bright, clean, and well stocked grocery store on the East Side of Madison.  Their prices are not always competitive with other local chains.  But their commitment to customer service outweighs the inconvenience of shopping around for some better priced items.

    Our trips to Hy-Vee#1 are similar to what we imagine must be the experience of a character walking down the streets of Mayberry.  Our Bluey, and TR Dad, are known in every department of this large grocery store.  Employees greet TR Dad and Bluey by name, and these workers are quick to come over and chat.  On the rare occasion that TR Dad has to visit the store without Bluey, numerous employees will stop TR Dad to inquire as to why he is alone.  From Ms. Tammy in the Bakery, to Ms. Deana (the store’s Dietitian), Hy-Vee#1 has employees that recognize the value of “knowing your customer.”


    Inspecting Matt Kenseth’s car in the Hy-Vee parking lot.

    Hy-Vee#1 offers many classes and events to connect to their community, ranging in price from free attendance to requiring a small fee.  The entire company, which is employee-owned, takes steps to help reduce their environmental impact.  They award annual scholarships to youth for college expenses.  And Hy-Vee extends their spousal benefits to gay couples in all states, even states that do not protect gay individuals.

    As dorky as it may sound, we feel that we are a part of the Hy-Vee#1 family, and we can’t imagine doing the bulk of our grocery shopping anywhere else!  We wish that more businesses, locally and nationally, would model their customer service after our Hy-Vee#1 in Madison, WI.