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Office Spread

May 6, 2013 by admin

Part of our Continuing Series on Improving Health for Your Family

antique-office-equipment_mediumMom has an office job.  And this means that for the majority of any given day, she is sitting.  And as TR Mom ages, the effects of this sedentary job become more noticeable to her.  So she is making a concerted effort to find ways to increase physical activity during the working hours.

Here are some tips for motion that TR Mom tries to implement throughout the day:


  • Always take the stairs.
  • Eat lunch quickly and then get outside.  Even if you just stand by the front entry way of your office building, you are on your feet!
  • Remember to get up at least once every hour.  Get the mail.  Or go to the restroom.  Get some water.  Or re-fill the copier machine’s paper.
  • Correct your posture whenever you notice you’re slouching.  It is incredibly easy to slouch towards your keyboard.  Don’t do it!
  • Keep a supply of healthy munchies in a drawer.  Avoid the break room snack machines.  It is a horribly expensive option and is usually chock full of unhealthy foods/sodas.


And see if you can’t push for changes within your company that could improve everyone’s health.  Walking meetings are a growing trend and a wonderful idea .  Perhaps you can use an exercise ball at your desk rather than the stiff chair that you sit in all day long?     Or you could organize a lunch-time walking club.

Get moving!

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