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a January 10th, 2014

  1. Dinner Dilemma

    January 10, 2014 by admin

    We used to proudly declare that our children “will eat anything” you put in front of them.  They loved exploring new tastes and textures with little-to-no hesitation.  At some point, everything changed.

    We’re not sure why it happened and it was definitely a gradual shift that, at first, we mistakenly ignored as a fluke.  But we can no longer turn a blind eye to the new attitude our children bring to the dinner table.  Every meal is greeted with sneers, yucks, and pokes of a fork without ingesting much of anything.IMG_1303

    So what to do?

    We’ve tried our best to cook meals that we think are palette pleasing and kid-friendly while not compromising our homemade and vegetarian ideals.  But more often than not, we find ourselves opening yet another BPA-free can of Annie’s Organic Bernie O’s pasta.  It is a trend that doesn’t sit well with TRMom and Dad.

    It is amazing how hard it is to nudge these pint-sized food critics into eating a simple, homemade meal.  Even when they have helped prepare the meal, they are not interested.  There is just no reasoning, no pleading, no coercing them into lifting a fork.  And not wanting our kids to be hungry, we cave into making yet another meal that they declare satisfying- like the Annie’s O’s.  It is a vicious circle.

    Help this TR family find peace at meal time once again.  How do you combat a picky eater in your home?