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Simple Play

March 9, 2014 by admin

IMG_5106As we’ve said before, you don’t need expensive toys, tons of arts&crafts supplies, or endless TV to pass the time.  A simple stack of paper, or some index cards, will supply a solid bit of fun!

Recently, Plum showed her brother Bluey how to create paper frogs.  These adorable little origami critters are super easy to make.  And they jump!  The kids made a whole colony of them and had a blast.  You can easily decorate the frogs with glitter, or crayon faces, etc.  Check out Plum’s video for directions.

Then, we extended our fun by creating paper boats.  They don’t last long in the water, but that doesn’t mean they won’t provide entertainment as they bob in the sink or tub.  Again, add some embellishments with marker or stickers if you feel like it.IMG_5117

Paper airplanes, hats, and puppies are a blast. Really, the options are endless.  And you don’t have to fret about creating origami as youtube is chock full of step by step instructions.

Grab some paper and enjoy!

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