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a October 29th, 2014

  1. Sick Day

    October 29, 2014 by admin

    The TR Family makes efforts to limit screen time and maximize activity, especially outdoor activity.  There is hardly a day when we aren’t out for a walk or a bike ride, or reading books rather than sitting in front of one more TV show.boy_33_sm

    But when a TR family member is down for the count with an illness, we are much more flexible with the house rules.

    When a kiddo (or adult) is sick that may mean we enjoy a movie at home.  We usually curtail or eliminate our walks around the neighborhood with the dog or biking off to the local grocery for a fun treat.  Instead we focus on restful activities and certain sick day indulgences, like extra popsicles to soothe a sore throat.

    It’s okay to make exceptions to your family routine for unique times like holidays and illnesses.  We don’t normally spend long periods watching television, but sometimes that sort of ‘spoiling’ is just what the doctor ordered.   We’re not afraid to let the rules shift for a day or so, as long as we know we can get back on track when the atypical event passes.