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Baby, It’s Cold Outside!

January 3, 2014 by admin


We acknowledge that it is amazingly cold and your natural instinct might just be to stay indoors.  But you can have some wonderful moments outside, very well dressed, that will allow your family to get some fresh air, have a laugh or two, and learn something as well!

Experiment #1:   Go outside with boiling water and toss it away from you, into the air. Watch in amazement as a cloud of ice crystals disperse all around.

Experiment #2:  Turn water into ice with a shake of your hand.  The instructions on the hyper-link page work in the exact same way when you place your bottled water outside to freeze, as opposed to inside your home’s freezer.  We promise that you will be incredulous when you pick up the water bottle, shake it once, and watch it form into ice from the bottom up like magic!

Experiment #3:  Blow frozen bubbles.  What fun to watch your bubble crystalize like your own little snow globe.  And guaranteed to wow the little ones.  We’re excited to find out what happens if you quickly catch a stack of them.

There are really many ways to actually enjoy the extreme cold.  We’d love to hear your ideas! And we would like to thank Darren Bush of Rutabaga for this cold weather inspiration.


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