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a June 8th, 2012

  1. Stop The Cacophony

    June 8, 2012 by admin

    Noisy toys.

    We do our best to avoid toys that emit electronic noise.  But we’re not perfect.  Garage sales are littered with these toys and gifts from friends and family have a tendency to lean towards the noisy.

    So we have a thankfully small but very present collection of toys that squawk.  What to do?

    The very first step is to search the toy in the hopes of finding a little indicator that can control the volume.  Interestingly, if you are lucky enough to find this switch, you will probably notice that even the lowest setting is still far too loud! 

    So what to do?  The solution in our house is cheap and simple.  Duct Tape!  Any sturdy tape works well and clear tape is a best choice for younger kids as they notice it less.  Locate the spots where noise is blasting from the toy and cut a swatch of tape that covers that entire area.  Rub down on the tape to ensure that it is secure.  Turn the toy on again and you should be pleasantly surprised.  The noise will be noticeably reduced.

    At this point, our kids know that the only way they get to keep a toy that has electronic sound is if Mom and Dad get to tape it.  No tape = no toy.  They will even ask for tape on a toy, knowing that they will get to play with it more quickly if it is taped.  Our only exception to this rule is if, by some miracle, the toy’s volume switch actually lowers the sound to an acceptable level.

     Tip:  Tape can be a choking hazard in any situation and setting.  The suggestions in this post work for our family.  Make the best decision for your family based on your child’s age and habits.