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a June 11th, 2012

  1. How to Turn Your Kids Into Great Travelers: The Short Route Home

    June 11, 2012 by admin

    Some adventures wipe us out.  As much as we love exploring the out-of-the-way nooks of the world, sometimes we are just not up for it.  The kids are tired, the parents are tired.  Everyone just wants to get home!

    Why set the kids (and parents!) up for failure after a great adventure?  Sometimes you have to push the back roads aside and put the pedal to the metal for home.

    In anticipation of days like this, we always try to keep a Fast Route Home in mind.   This usually involves hopping on the nearest interstate and booking it home.  Mom and Dad have a quick discussion when gathering the family back into the car at an adventure’s end.  We can make a quick assessment of the group mood and make our travel decision- fast or slow?

    When we are on the Fast Route, we switch to our Sing-Along Songs playlist to keep spirits high.  We keep water and/or coffee within arms-reach of the driver.

    Hammer down and head for home!