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Bit by Bit

July 22, 2012 by admin

Frequently, we see in our lives that we need a change.   And sometimes change is hard.  Damn hard.  You’re not AT the Destination, you are GOING to the Destination.  It takes time to get there.

We find that the abrupt change frequently advocated by those offering up a solution to life’s challenges actually just sets people up for failure.  And all these little failures add up to the commonly held belief that change is hard.

These feelings make us want to give up.  So we don’t advocate abrupt, complete change.

Instead, we believe that except for cases of health and safety, it usually works best to welcome change in increments.  We can take steps towards improvement and we allow for the minor but inevitable slip-ups here and there.  Life isn’t about living in perfection.  We want things to be as good as we can make them while knowing that they’ll never be perfect.  And that is okay.

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