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Top 5 TR Recommendations for Young (Birth-8) Kids Books and Tween (8-12) Books

January 19, 2013 by admin

Of course, we could list countless books that our family enjoys reading.  But here is a small group of our faves.

Tip:  Although we’ve noted the books are available on Amazon, we’ve found most of these at book sales and garage sales, so keep your eyes open.51vzlGr0LVL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_

Young Kids  (Birth to 8 Years Old)

  1. Bread and Jam for Frances –by Russell and Lillian Hoban.  Frances, a young badger, learns what happens when you refuse to try new food and instead eat only your favorite thing, day after day, for all 3 meals.  Frances is wonderful role model and we greatly enjoy all of her adventures.
  2. Alfie Gets in First by Shirley Hughes.  Alfie is growing up and experiencing the thrill of independence.  This simple but delightful story shows how the neighborhood comes together to figure out how to open a locked front door.  Alfie is trapped inside his house and the rest of his family is stuck on the stoop
  3. A Morning in Maine by Robert McCloskey.  Wonderful pictures accompany a charming story of a young girl’s first loose tooth.  You may remember the main character, Sal, from another highly recommended story – Blueberries for Sal.
  4. Ramona Quimby, Age 8 by Beverly Cleary.  Ramona is a fantastic role model.  She is every bit an 8 year old struggling to find her place in the world and within her family.  You can’t help but get drawn into her day-to-day experiences.
  5. Nothing Good Every Happens On My Block by Ellen Raskin.  A young boy says he’s bored.  He is so busy complaining about being bored that he misses the life happening on his street.  Enjoy your search for the witch!51pMRDTly-L._SL500_AA300_


Tween (8 to 12 Years Old)

  1. Are you there, God?  It’s Me, Margaret  by Judy Blume.  This book poignantly explores the coming of age of Margaret.  Judy Blume is an incredibly honest writer that has a magnificent ability to translate true experiences of life onto the pages of a book.
  2. Into The Wild:Warriors by Erin Hunter.  In the first book of this mega-series, a housecat leaves home to test his mettle with a clan of wild cats in the woods.  Our cat-loving, Plum, has read most of the twenty some books of the Warriors series.  ‘Nuff said.
  3. The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien.  A classic.  Action, adventure, keeping your promises-  all while doing what’s right!  And setting up the epic Lord of the Rings.
  4. Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin.  Who doesn’t like puns mixed with adventure?
  5. City of Ember by Jeanne Du Prau.  Two smart young people solve the problems of their city, while unearthing corruption and learning secrets lost in history.  The first of a four book series.

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