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a May 25th, 2014

  1. Pack The Car

    May 25, 2014 by admin


    Rather than worrying on every outing if we have all of our ‘go to’ items and emergency bits in the car, we like to save time and energy by packing the car in advance- keeping the many little necessities tucked in the car to be at the ready when called upon.

    This makes spontaneous trips so much more do-able, since we can literally grab our coats and wallets and head out the door.

    What sorts of things do we keep in the car?

    • Cleaning Supplies: Wipes, napkins, trash bags.
    • Travel Supplies: Maps, pens and paper, a mini tool kit, flashlight.
    • Stuff for Kids: Toys, games, books, flash cards, crayons, paper, our family trip log.
    • Stuff for the Pup: Treats, water dish, half gallon of H2O, emergency dog leash.
    • Other Extras: Spare gloves and mittens, ibuprofen, small first aid kit, small packable blanket.


    Of course, you should modify this list to include the items that are essentials for you.

    By keeping the car pretty well stocked, we don’t have to grab all these things every time we head out on an adventure. We just gather a few snacks and some fresh water, along with books and toys of current interest- and we are ready to go!