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The Best Ten Minutes Of The Day

October 26, 2013 by admin

Our Bluey leads an active life, and we do all sorts of things during a typical day.  We have our share of routines- like reading our ‘Dog’ books in the morning, or settling in for some Lego building.  We have mellow times and crazy times.

But in many ways, the best part of any day is at the end.  After reading a few comic books, brushing teeth, and putting on pajamas, Bluey is ready.  Usually, TRMom gets him into bed, and reads one more book before Bluey begins to settle down.  After snuggling with TRMom for awhile, TRDad takes over and helps the young Bluey find the sleep zone.IMG_0544

Laying there in the dark is just the best.  We’re usually quiet, although sometimes Bluey still has a few things to discuss.  But soon enough, he is dozing off and quietly breathing.  Sometimes his eyes are still open, shining in the dark.

Bluey drifts towards sleep.  TRDad listens to Bluey breathing and thinks about him- he is such a great kid.  This moment of quietude is TRDad’s most treasured of the day.  It’s the snuddle time that Bluey misses on nights TRDad isn’t there to cuddle with him.  We hope he remembers these moments, as he cruises towards adulthood.  We know he won’t want to settle down like this forever.  Eventually, he’ll put himself to bed; as his older sister does now.

As much as we want him to recall visiting the St. Louis Arch, or climbing at Devil’s Lake, or a hundred other fun and interesting things we do; we hope that he treasures these quiet times, too.

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