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a August 14th, 2013

  1. The Kindness Project #4: Share The Bounty

    August 14, 2013 by admin

    IMG_1453We are happy to report that our garden is quite successful this season.  We have an abundance of tomatoes and a good crop of hot peppers.  Our melons, cukes, and squash are finally starting to spill out over our garden trellis.  We are harvesting more than we can eat.

    We have plans to dive into canning in 2014.  But for this current crop, we have to come up with an action plan so that our pickings don’t go to waste.IMG_1293

    As TR Mom recently pulled into the garage after work, she noticed one set of neighbors playing with their young kids in their front yard.  And it all suddenly became clear for this TR Household.

    We stuffed two paper lunch bags with our excess produce and walked it over to the neighbors.  It was a lovely icebreaker that helped move us beyond the friendly nod of our typical encounters.

    As this growing season continues to provide, we’ll knock on neighborhood doors to meet who we can and to deliver fresh produce for all to enjoy.

    Perhaps we’ll see you?